Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales

Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Absolute Carnage - Miles Morales - Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character.
Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works. - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.


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Anderson Bastos

23 Projects on the website

Absolute Carnage showed Miles Morales being infected by the Carnage symbiote. Released as would be the terrifying look of the character. Still wearing his black and red attire, he now carries six arms and presents an appearance that bears little resemblance to the traditional look of symbiotes. In the new statue, Anderson Bastos' art shows something more restrained and very reminiscent of Miles' costume, but still quite scary.

The model measures 300mm and is cut into several parts for a better impression.

This STL and the resulting printout are for the purchaser's personal use only, and you are not permitted to modify, share or resell my work (Digital or Physical). Please support the artist and his works.

Scale 1:6


tags: Halloween,venom,spiderman,carnage,statue,Diorama,Marvel,Miles Molares,Absolute Carnage

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Find 3D models at the best price! If what you are looking for is not available, place a modeling order. With a crowdfunding it's pretty cheap! The best are here. The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.

As described in the terms of commitment, after the delivery and the positive return of the files, it will not be possible to return the value, due to the consumable characteristic.