Yamato "Matt" Ishida is a character in the anime and manga series Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02 and Digimon Adventure tri. He is a DigiDestined, partnered with Gabumon, and the bearer of the Crest of Friendship. He is the older brother of Takeru "T.K." Takaishi.
These information of this model: - The model ready for 3D printing. - The model current size is 20cm height, but you are free to scale it. - Files format: STL, OBJ (included 03 separated files is ready for 3D printing). - Also includes Zbrush original file (ZTL) for you to customize as you like.
Hope you like him. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. I will respond you ASAP.
Scale 1:1