
Morbius - 🇺🇸 Hello everyone!
This statue was made as a fanart of the character Morbius.
The piece is with all the cuts and set in 1/6 scale, but it works well in 1/4 scale just change the sizeup in zbrush before printing. It contains 2 heads for you to customize as you like.
Hope you like it and thanks!

🇧🇷 Olá a todos!
Esta estátua foi feita como fanart do personagem Morbius.
A peça está com todos os cortes e setada na escala 1/6, mas funciona bem em 1/4 basta mudar o sizeup no zbrush antes de colocar para impressão. Contém 2 cabeças para você personalizar conforme a sua preferencia.
Espero que você goste e obrigado! - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Morbius - 🇺🇸 Hello everyone!
This statue was made as a fanart of the character Morbius.
The piece is with all the cuts and set in 1/6 scale, but it works well in 1/4 scale just change the sizeup in zbrush before printing. It contains 2 heads for you to customize as you like.
Hope you like it and thanks!

🇧🇷 Olá a todos!
Esta estátua foi feita como fanart do personagem Morbius.
A peça está com todos os cortes e setada na escala 1/6, mas funciona bem em 1/4 basta mudar o sizeup no zbrush antes de colocar para impressão. Contém 2 cabeças para você personalizar conforme a sua preferencia.
Espero que você goste e obrigado! - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Morbius - 🇺🇸 Hello everyone!
This statue was made as a fanart of the character Morbius.
The piece is with all the cuts and set in 1/6 scale, but it works well in 1/4 scale just change the sizeup in zbrush before printing. It contains 2 heads for you to customize as you like.
Hope you like it and thanks!

🇧🇷 Olá a todos!
Esta estátua foi feita como fanart do personagem Morbius.
A peça está com todos os cortes e setada na escala 1/6, mas funciona bem em 1/4 basta mudar o sizeup no zbrush antes de colocar para impressão. Contém 2 cabeças para você personalizar conforme a sua preferencia.
Espero que você goste e obrigado! - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Morbius - 🇺🇸 Hello everyone!
This statue was made as a fanart of the character Morbius.
The piece is with all the cuts and set in 1/6 scale, but it works well in 1/4 scale just change the sizeup in zbrush before printing. It contains 2 heads for you to customize as you like.
Hope you like it and thanks!

🇧🇷 Olá a todos!
Esta estátua foi feita como fanart do personagem Morbius.
A peça está com todos os cortes e setada na escala 1/6, mas funciona bem em 1/4 basta mudar o sizeup no zbrush antes de colocar para impressão. Contém 2 cabeças para você personalizar conforme a sua preferencia.
Espero que você goste e obrigado! - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Morbius - 🇺🇸 Hello everyone!
This statue was made as a fanart of the character Morbius.
The piece is with all the cuts and set in 1/6 scale, but it works well in 1/4 scale just change the sizeup in zbrush before printing. It contains 2 heads for you to customize as you like.
Hope you like it and thanks!

🇧🇷 Olá a todos!
Esta estátua foi feita como fanart do personagem Morbius.
A peça está com todos os cortes e setada na escala 1/6, mas funciona bem em 1/4 basta mudar o sizeup no zbrush antes de colocar para impressão. Contém 2 cabeças para você personalizar conforme a sua preferencia.
Espero que você goste e obrigado! - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Morbius - 🇺🇸 Hello everyone!
This statue was made as a fanart of the character Morbius.
The piece is with all the cuts and set in 1/6 scale, but it works well in 1/4 scale just change the sizeup in zbrush before printing. It contains 2 heads for you to customize as you like.
Hope you like it and thanks!

🇧🇷 Olá a todos!
Esta estátua foi feita como fanart do personagem Morbius.
A peça está com todos os cortes e setada na escala 1/6, mas funciona bem em 1/4 basta mudar o sizeup no zbrush antes de colocar para impressão. Contém 2 cabeças para você personalizar conforme a sua preferencia.
Espero que você goste e obrigado! - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Morbius - 🇺🇸 Hello everyone!
This statue was made as a fanart of the character Morbius.
The piece is with all the cuts and set in 1/6 scale, but it works well in 1/4 scale just change the sizeup in zbrush before printing. It contains 2 heads for you to customize as you like.
Hope you like it and thanks!

🇧🇷 Olá a todos!
Esta estátua foi feita como fanart do personagem Morbius.
A peça está com todos os cortes e setada na escala 1/6, mas funciona bem em 1/4 basta mudar o sizeup no zbrush antes de colocar para impressão. Contém 2 cabeças para você personalizar conforme a sua preferencia.
Espero que você goste e obrigado! - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Morbius - 🇺🇸 Hello everyone!
This statue was made as a fanart of the character Morbius.
The piece is with all the cuts and set in 1/6 scale, but it works well in 1/4 scale just change the sizeup in zbrush before printing. It contains 2 heads for you to customize as you like.
Hope you like it and thanks!

🇧🇷 Olá a todos!
Esta estátua foi feita como fanart do personagem Morbius.
A peça está com todos os cortes e setada na escala 1/6, mas funciona bem em 1/4 basta mudar o sizeup no zbrush antes de colocar para impressão. Contém 2 cabeças para você personalizar conforme a sua preferencia.
Espero que você goste e obrigado! - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.
Morbius - 🇺🇸 Hello everyone!
This statue was made as a fanart of the character Morbius.
The piece is with all the cuts and set in 1/6 scale, but it works well in 1/4 scale just change the sizeup in zbrush before printing. It contains 2 heads for you to customize as you like.
Hope you like it and thanks!

🇧🇷 Olá a todos!
Esta estátua foi feita como fanart do personagem Morbius.
A peça está com todos os cortes e setada na escala 1/6, mas funciona bem em 1/4 basta mudar o sizeup no zbrush antes de colocar para impressão. Contém 2 cabeças para você personalizar conforme a sua preferencia.
Espero que você goste e obrigado! - The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.


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Lucas Teixeira

1 Projects on the website

🇺🇸 Hello everyone! This statue was made as a fanart of the character Morbius. The piece is with all the cuts and set in 1/6 scale, but it works well in 1/4 scale just change the sizeup in zbrush before printing. It contains 2 heads for you to customize as you like. Hope you like it and thanks!

🇧🇷 Olá a todos! Esta estátua foi feita como fanart do personagem Morbius. A peça está com todos os cortes e setada na escala 1/6, mas funciona bem em 1/4 basta mudar o sizeup no zbrush antes de colocar para impressão. Contém 2 cabeças para você personalizar conforme a sua preferencia. Espero que você goste e obrigado!

Scale 1:6


tags: morbius,vampire,marvel,spiderman,ironman,thor,captainamerica,batman,bat,superman,michaelmorbius,venom,ucm,sculpt,dracula,fantasy,contesthype,anatomy

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Find 3D models at the best price! If what you are looking for is not available, place a modeling order. With a crowdfunding it's pretty cheap! The best are here. The best files for 3D printing in the world. Stl models divided into parts to facilitate 3D printing. All kinds of characters, decoration, cosplay, prosthetics, pieces. Quality in 3D printing. Affordable 3D models. Low cost. Collective purchases of 3D files.

As described in the terms of commitment, after the delivery and the positive return of the files, it will not be possible to return the value, due to the consumable characteristic.