Nami is a fictional character in the One Piece franchise created by Eiichiro Oda. She is based on Ann and Silk, two characters from Oda's previous manga Romance Dawn. She is introduced as a thief and pickpocket who possesses cartographical, meteorological, and navigational skills. At first, she is a subordinate of the fishman Arlong, but she is eventually freed of this service and permanently joins Monkey D. Luffy to fulfill her dream of creating a complete map of the Grand Line.
These information of this model:
- Files format: STL, OBJ (included 07 separated files is ready for 3D printing).
- Zbrush original file (ZTL) for you to customize as you like.
- The height is 20 cm
- Polygons: 941195 & Vertices: 540286
- The version 1.0.
Hope you like her. Don't hesitate to contact me if there are any problems during printing the model
Scale 1:1