2B - Nier is an eternal topic for many artists to write. I love her very much and I hope you too. This model have 2 version: head with and without ribbon.
Based on a concept art: https://www.deviantart.com/ask-theangelofsouls/art/Horror-Brawl-Request-486-2B-665506562
When you purchase this model, you will own:
STL file with 08 separated files (with key to connect together) is ready for 3D printing.
Zbrush original files (ZTL) for you to customize as you like. (DM me if you want)
19th July, 2019: This is version 1.0
22nd May, 2021: version 1.2: *Reprocess all model objects and adding details makes the model look better when printed.
Thanks for your viewing!
Escala 1:24